Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Gold Bull Market

The Gold Bull Market is underway, and there are no sure signs of it stopping any time soon.

With all of the world's central banks pursuing inflationary policies, it's no wonder the price of gold has risen from $250/ounce to a high of over $1,200/ounce in the past 10 years.

The Gold Bull Market is expected to continue over the next 10 years. Price predictions by some experts in the field say that gold could climb anywhere between $5,000 and $10,000 per ounce.

These numbers are possible too if you look at all the paper money in circulation today.

The fact is that when a government tries to print all the money they want or need, it causes prices to rise. When dollars are printed by governments at will, the value of the dollar falls.

The gold bull market is underway, and smart investors are taking note.

When the value of dollars fall, gold rises in price. The gold price rises because people are placing more demand on the gold market.

People are demanding gold because gold is a hedge against inflation. Gold will not fall in value. The dollar will lose value over time.

So, smart investors know that holding dollars will only hurt you financially when a government inflates our money supply.

Sure, they use fancy words like "quantitative easing" to make it sound complicated.

What they are really doing is printing money, and so much of it that a 1920's style Weimar, Germany hyperinflation could be in store for the U.S.

What are the first steps you should take to protect yourself from this economic mess? Well, as I stated earlier the gold bull market is underway and there is a reason for that.

Buy gold and silver today. That is how you protect yourself from the loss in purchasing power of your dollar. Gold and silver will never lose their value, unlike every paper currency that has ever been used.

Protect yourself and your family by investing in this gold bull market.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Hearing Impaired? Hearing Aids? Advice for “Deafies” and those who put up with us

I have always had a hearing impairment. I was born with a 70% hearing loss in both ears. While I had a mother who was sensitive to my disability, I never believed there was anything wrong wth me. As a child, I refused to wear hearing aids.

When, at 19 years-of-age, I bought one hearing aid, it was as if someone turned the sound up. I felt even more invincible. By the time I was 30, I knew I needed aids in both ears. It was not for 25 more years that I would learn that hearing aids alone were not enough.

Granted, most persons who don’t hear very well do need hearing aids. If they think they will look stupid wearing aids, these people have no idea how stupid they appear to others without them. When one gives crazy answers to sane questions ~ and misunderstands what others say ~ they don’t appear to be very bright. Amplification normally helps a great deal, even if perfect hearing is not attainable for many of us.

Consider this: Use of hearing aids might prevent you from being diagnosed as senile when you get older or loose the understanding companion who has always made allowances for you.

Yet, even with good hearing aids, I have only now come come to understand that it is my responsibility to not do those things which irritate normal hearing people ~ when I can control those very things.

If I am in another room, I have no business asking questions ~ or initiating conversations ~ which I will likely not hear right. To do so can only cause a person with normal hearing to take on unearned aggravation.

If I wish to engage in a conversation, I should make certain that the other person is close enough for me to have the best chance of hearing. And when others speak to me, ask that they do so in a hearing environment where I will understand ~ “Because I don’t want to ask you repeat yourself.” I expect the same courtesy of others that they should reasonably expect of me.

When I enter a room and see some people cocking their heads, looking at the ceiling confused, I should be sensitive enough to realize that my hearing aids are probably on too loud without someone asking, “What’s that noise?” Yes, often in an effort to hear better, I have cranked my hearing aids up to a point of “Feedback” which ~ although I can not hear it ~ many people do. Frustrated, associates have screamed, “You’re beeping!” Perhaps, my right to hear should be restricted to the point where other people’s sanity endures?

I have great difficulty communicating on the telephone. It was not uncommon for me to already be on the phone and to request assistance of the closest person to me to be my ears ~ for just a moment. I expected that person to drop everything and help me. How unfair? I have sense learned to say, “In a few minutes, I need to make a call. When you are free, would you mind being my ears if I need some?” I no longer expect everyone to allow me to interrupt them just because ~ through my lack of planning ~ I need help “Now!”

While I am on the subject, we who require special effort on other’s part to engage in conversation with us, need to learn not to begin talking to them if they are engaged in an activity which will necessitate their relocation to accommodate us, allow us to see their lips, etc.

Hopefully, I’ve learned I don’t have to talk all of the time. All of my life, I had attempted to masquerade as a normal person. The fact is, if you can’t hear ~ you are not normal! While really not wanting my captive audience to talk ~ because I knew that I would not be able to hear what they said ~ it was much easier to talk than to listen.

Now, I tell the truth. “I can’t hear what you are saying. It is not your fault, but my poor hearing. Please speak more loudly to me. And if I give you an inappropriate response, I will not be offended if you tell me that you don’t think that I understood what you said. In fact, I’d really appreciate it.”

My best advice to persons who can’t hear: Don’t try to “Fake it.” Maybe, you will get away with making like you understand the conversations? Yet, more than likely ~ and more often than you will ever know ~ others will think that you really didn’t care what they had to say.

Being hearing impaired is hard ~ not just on we “Deafies” ~ but those who put up with us too.

BTE Hearing Aid St Louis MO

Marketing you web site - Part 4 - Using newsletters, search engines and the yellow pages

Using Newsletters to market your web site

As I stated before, it can take several times for a potential client to begin to trust you. You also want to keep the clients that you have. Part of your marketing plan will be to stay in touch with your clients. Letting them know what is happening, any sales that you may be holding, or new products/services that you may have. A great way of keeping in touch is with a newsletter.

What is a newsletter? Simply put it is a communication between you and your subscribers. By offering information that the client may find helpful, you are offering a service to them that is of value. Immense value in fact. Your information may save them time and money. Building a trust between you and the client. This trust will turn to sales over time.

So what does it take to get a newsletter off the ground so to speak? Two things: First is to have the clients/customer sign up for the newsletter. This can be a simple email or mailing program. RD Web hosting has a mailing list package that is part of the hosting plan. It is simple yet effective. Click here to see it in action. The second thing is a newsletter. This can be written in any word processing program or in your email software. It doesn't have to be long and complicated.

Let's say for example you have found a new recipe. Something that you think your subscribers would be interested in. You type up the recipe along with an introduction and paste it into your email program or mailing list software. From there you send it to each of your subscribers. Cost? A few minutes of time. No printing or mailing charges required. Oh, by the way, in that little letter you sent to each subscriber, you place a little advertising for your web site or store. Or maybe you have 'sold' some space to a friend or business associate who may have something of interest to your subscribers as well.

Newsletters are a great and inexpensive advertising medium. Just remember to place articles of interest in the newsletter and not all advertising. There is nothing worse than getting mail that is all ads. Over time people will stop reading it if they don't find the information useful.

Using Search engines and marketing your web site

Search Engines (SE) are the mystery of the Internet. So many different types even from the users standpoint. There are over 225,000 search engines and directories on the Internet. How do they work and why should you care?

Basically, a search engine is a database of web pages that contains information about that page such as: where it can be found (URL); what is on it (Keywords); when it was last indexed; and a description (Title) of the web page. When you go to a search engine and type in your request (query) the database engine pulls up the data that matches your request. So a search engine is only as good as the data in it. How do we get that data? Most search engines are copies of the major databases. There are only a few real databases out there. So lets talk general terms. Data can be entered by the owner of the website. This information is then indexed and your site is listed. In the past that is how things worked. But we soon found out that people will do anything to get their website listed at the top of the page where they will be more likely to have the searcher click on their site. The owner of the database needed a better way. So programs where written called spiders to go out on the web and find websites. Then catalog each page of the website and enter that information into the database. Today that process is still going on. However, again the owners of the database have tried to make sure that the website information is correct and have been constantly changing the formula used to determine how a website should be listed based on it keywords, headers, titles, content, alt tags, etc. Some database owners even have people visit the website and make a judgment call. All of this is to insure that when you enter a search phrase into the search engine you receive the type of information you want. If you are happy with the search engine you will continue to use it and the advertisements placed on the search engine will help pay for the site.

Search engine technology is changing daily. To try and cover it here would be a waste of your time as it will be out of date tomorrow. So I have listed a site that does nothing more than follow and report on this technology. It is:
Search Engine Watch

What is important for us as website owners is know how to make sure we are properly listed and learn how to get the best listing on the search engines. So lets see... there are 1440 minutes per day and 225,000 search engines. That means if we spend just 10 minutes per search engine entering in our website information it will only take us1562 days to enter the information. But you should submit your website at least every other month, so you can see that is not going to work. There are all kinds of software and website services that will do this for you. But remember there are really only about 4 major databases that feed all those search engines. Even when your website is listed you may not have a very good placement due to other factors. As I said the database owners are constantly changing the rules. So what can you do?

Start with proper design of your website. Good content that is kept up to date. The spiders will find you over time and your ranking will improve as your use of keywords and content are evaluated. Other things that will help is the linking to your site from others. If you have good information, others will point their website to yours which will help your ranking in the search engines. All in all, this will take months to accomplish. But you want to start making money today!

Another way to get listed on search engines faster and at the top of the rankings is with PPC or Pay Per Click. PPC Search Engines charge you each time a user clicks your listing and goes to your website. In addition, many PPC have made arrangements with other search engines to place the paying website URL at the top of the listing (these are called sponsor sites). What does that mean for you as a website owner? Well, it means lots of traffic to your website that you can sell to over and over again. What will it cost? Hmmm how many secrets to give away in a free book :). Oh well, why not! The cost is dependent on how many other people want to be in the top listing. For example: has agreements with Yahoo, MSN, AOL and others that the 3 top bidders for keywords will be listed in the top 3 spots for that keyword on each of these search engines. By the way, as of December 2002 those 3 search engines accounted for over 80 percent of all searches on the web. Think that might be a nice place to have your website listed? Ok, back to the example. Let’s say I sell training, I research the keywords and find out that the top 3 positions go for $1.50, $1.45, $1.00 per click to my website. I have a product that sells for $795 per course. I could bid $1.51 and take the top spot. But remember I will have to pay the PPC for each person that clicks on my link. It can quickly run into the hundreds of dollars. I could also pay $1.01 and take the 3rd position saving me $.50 per click. Not all keywords are that expensive...some are more :). Actually you may find your keywords very inexpensive around 10- 20 cents per click.
PPC also do not care about keywords, titles, headers, content etc. So I can write a more compelling description here that will call to action the searcher to click on my site. BUT, once there I want to do everything I can to get them to leave their email address in exchange for my free product or gift. I do not want them coming back though PPC again. It will cost me more money that way. If I have their email address I can send them my link in other correspondence. We will talk about that later in auto responders.

Here is a list of some of the PPC. Since they drive qualified traffic to your site I would recommend using all of them. You will find your keywords cheaper on the less used sites but that is still traffic that you can sell to.

This is a lot of work. I know I have spent hours on Overture alone trying to monitor the website, keywords, and ranking.
I have said before in this course that automation is the key. The more we can automate the more time we have to spend on other things... maybe the family?

Using Yellow pages to market your web site

If you have a local business then you probably already have a business phone number. Most business phone services come with a listing in the local yellow pages. Be sure to list you website address. This is much more powerful form of advertising then just placing your address and phone number. Remember your site can offer specials, gather email or contact information, give away items or gifts to your customers to get them to visit your store, tell the customer so much more than you could afford to do in the phone book itself. Plus many people will bookmark your site and return time and time again once they see all the great information that you have available on the site.

I hope you have found some useful information in this package. I have strived to put together information about most of the different methods you can use to market you business.

Visit Philippine Business Directory an online yellow page in the Philippines.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Hearing Aids Can Change a Life

It can truthfully be said that hearing aids can simply change your life. The pastor of a small church had the unique opportunity to see this affect on his congregation. The congregation included several people who rely on hearing aids. Often, he was asked to clarify himself in a phone conversation, or literally asked to speak up during a sermon or time of instruction.

He watched several members make the decision to have their hearing tested and took the step to purchase a hearing aid. The result for the individuals had been overwhelming. When they purchased the aid they walked back into a world that they had nearly forgotten. They walked back into the world of communication, the world of hearing.

It was beneficial for numerous reasons! Being a pastor of a small congregation, he had the blessed opportunity to know not only the church members but also their extended families. Families had relayed to him how much happier the individuals who purchased the aids had become!

But still there were more changes: phone conversations were clearer; the members were able to clearly understand sermons, teaching lessons and most of all their fellowship with other church members had grown. As a matter of fact several of these members stayed after service fifteen or twenty minutes later than before simply because they could hear clearly!

They are no longer embarrassed by using the phrase "what was that again" or having to tilt their head a certain direction to hear someone speak. It had truly been a life-changing decision for them.

The cost is the purchasing of hearing aid batteries. To these dear people a $9.00 investment in a package of four Rayovac hearing aid batteries is well worth it the price! The change in these precious individuals has encouraged me to take the necessary health steps in my own life. Hearing aids might be a small step, but it has been a giant leap for the lovely congregation!

Communication is a very important thing in our culture. Families, businesses, government and more are all reliant upon good sound communication. If you own a hearing aid then its always a good idea to have a spare battery lying around in case your hearing aid battery goes dead. If your battery goes dead and you don't have a spare, then you could have a hard time communicating with people for a day or more until your go and get another. Don't get caught saying "what was that again" because you don't have a spare battery.

Hearing Aid Maintenance Repair

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Chiropractor Says Space-Age Technology Provides Down-To-Earth Benefits For Patients

What does the Russian space program have to do with chiropractic care? Quite a bit, according to Tom Lenahan, DC.

Dr. Lenahan, who has practiced chiropractic as a second career for 15 years, says he’s seen tremendous breakthroughs in patient healing through the use of electrical stimulation—a concept first researched by the Russians for their space program. The Russian government developed the research because it wasn’t practical to send an entire pharmacy along to keep their space explorers healthy. So, Russian scientists started looking for healing alternatives.

“As they began to explore how electricity works in the body, they realized it’s the body’s primary driver system,” says Lenahan. The researchers found that the body has two electrical components. The first, the nervous system, is like the hard wiring, says Dr. Lenahan. The second wasn’t as well understood.

“They discovered the body has a second component to it,” Lenahan continues. “It is a semi-conducting system in the body, much like your computer. They realized they could stimulate that fascial, semi-conducting system to send a signal to the brain and get it to produce various neuropeptides. This gave them an effective, efficient means of treatment for anything they would run into in space. It’s still one of the primary components of the Russian battlefield first-aid kit.”

It might still sound like a strange fit with chiropractic techniques, but Lenahan insists it isn’t. In fact, Lenahan discovered the power of electrical stimulation in his own quest to find better ways to help his chiropractic patients.

“As I got into chiropractic school, I realized there were many facets that were needed to help the body heal,” says Dr. Lenahan. “In our profession, there are those who are ‘straights’ and those who are ‘mixers.’ I’m the mixer’s mixer. I’ve always sought avenues and technology that would benefit my patients.”

That’s why he was so excited when he found the technology of electrical stimulation. He’s so enthusiastic about it, he speaks on the topic at numerous seminars, including the upcoming International Chiropractic Appreciation Mega Event (ICAME) in Las Vegas in January. While there, he says he’ll give an in-depth scientific presentation on this startling technology.

“It works for acute injuries, but also for the chronic degenerative condition,” he says. “This technology is able to add energy into the system and retard that degenerative process.”

Not only will this technique allow chiropractors to help their patients in ways never thought possible, says Lenahan, but it will also result in a boost in chiropractic practices.

“The…units will let you address really severe pain. They will help you alleviate that and get your patients back in, and keep them coming in,” Dr. Lenahan explains.

“A lot of times we lose patients because the pain is so severe, and they feel they have to go someplace and get drugs. This will help you manage that type of process.”

Chiropractor Manipulation

Chiropractic Service

Monday, March 29, 2010

The Pros and Cons of Hearing Aids

Disposable hearing aids are designed for people with mild to moderate hearing loss. They are currently being marketed to aging baby boomers suffering from hearing loss.

Disposable hearing aids appeal to people who are not sure if they want to commit to wearing hearing aids and to those who are reluctant to invest in conventional hearing aids. Disposable hearing aids usually cost between $40 and $50 each, whereas conventional hearing aids can cost up to $900 for a pair. Digital hearing aids are the most expensive, costing up to $5,000 for the latest pair. Since conventional hearing aids can last for about five years, they can work out to be cheaper than disposable hearing aids in the long run.

Unlike conventional hearing aids, they are not custom fitted. They come in a various settings or prescriptions, selected to match the user's level of hearing loss. A disposable hearing aid's batteries cannot be replaced. They are designed to be thrown away after the batteries expire, which usually last for just over a month.

A disposable hearing aid can be made available immediately after a hearing test. There is no need to wait for it to be manufactured like a conventional hearing aid. There is also no cost associated with repairs or replacing batteries. If a disposable hearing aid breaks down, you just throw it away and get a new one. Should you lose your disposable hearing aid, the cost of a replacing it is far less than that of a conventional hearing aid.

While disposable hearing aids are sometimes described as one size fits all, they actually fit about 80% of adult male ears and about 60% of adult female ears. Most disposable aids are of the in the ear (ITE) type. Instead of being molded to the ear, they make use of a soft cap that provides an acoustic seal about halfway down the ear canal.

Disposable hearing aids have a short life span. They cannot be custom fitted and hence, some people find them uncomfortable to wear. Disposable hearing aids are not as flexible as modern digital hearing aids as they come in standard prescriptions. Perhaps the biggest concern of audiologists is that most disposable hearing aid users do not have their hearing checked on a regular basis, leading to potential uncorrected problems.

If you have a hearing problem, it is vital to see an audiologist or an ear, nose and throat (ENT) doctor who will determine your level of hearing loss and suitability to wearing a hearing aid. Although hearing loss is caused by noise or aging, it is important for a professional to rule out any underlying problem that requires medical treatment.

Hearing Aid Costs

Factors to Consider Prior to Buying a Hearing Aid

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Barbie Games - A Fun Thing For Young Girls

Barbie was first launched in 1959. Since then she has become the sest-selling fashion dolls for not just children but also adults. Barbie, now for almost fifty years has been a very important icon in the fashion doll category in the toys market.

Mattel, the company producing and marketing Barbie dolls has added a lot of accessories and companions for Barbie. This has lead to the creation of many online games involving Barbie, her playmates and accessories. These Barbie games involve barbie dress up games and Barbie makeover games.

There are many different clothes available for Barbie to suit every occasion from Barbie going for a date, or for shopping. There are a number of innovative Barbie makeover games as well, which allow the child to makeover Barbie to suit certain nationalities and the clothes being worn in different countries. In the online Barbie games the doll can be given any makeover that a child can think of. Barbie is a very fashion conscious doll.

There are many Barbie games which can be played with the use of accessories like the Barbie Playhouse. A child can set up the playhouse in a number of different ways. By moving the small furniture around or by playing with Barbie playmates like Skipper and Ken (Barbie's boyfriend).

There are many games available online on different play sites. A child or an adult can login and play these games in which a Barbie makeovers can include dressing her up and acting as a police woman where she is faced with various challenges, a housewife going shopping to a mall with different pitfalls and levels which she has to overcome. There are even games where a Barbie makeover gives her the avatar of a mermaid or an alien. Hence Barbie games including Barbie makeover games and Barbie dress up games are fun.

Barbie Games
