Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Gold Bull Market

The Gold Bull Market is underway, and there are no sure signs of it stopping any time soon.

With all of the world's central banks pursuing inflationary policies, it's no wonder the price of gold has risen from $250/ounce to a high of over $1,200/ounce in the past 10 years.

The Gold Bull Market is expected to continue over the next 10 years. Price predictions by some experts in the field say that gold could climb anywhere between $5,000 and $10,000 per ounce.

These numbers are possible too if you look at all the paper money in circulation today.

The fact is that when a government tries to print all the money they want or need, it causes prices to rise. When dollars are printed by governments at will, the value of the dollar falls.

The gold bull market is underway, and smart investors are taking note.

When the value of dollars fall, gold rises in price. The gold price rises because people are placing more demand on the gold market.

People are demanding gold because gold is a hedge against inflation. Gold will not fall in value. The dollar will lose value over time.

So, smart investors know that holding dollars will only hurt you financially when a government inflates our money supply.

Sure, they use fancy words like "quantitative easing" to make it sound complicated.

What they are really doing is printing money, and so much of it that a 1920's style Weimar, Germany hyperinflation could be in store for the U.S.

What are the first steps you should take to protect yourself from this economic mess? Well, as I stated earlier the gold bull market is underway and there is a reason for that.

Buy gold and silver today. That is how you protect yourself from the loss in purchasing power of your dollar. Gold and silver will never lose their value, unlike every paper currency that has ever been used.

Protect yourself and your family by investing in this gold bull market.

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